Smart tags can be seamlessly stored in metal

According to the Fraunhofer-German website, recently, the association’s scientists have developed a new non-destructive method that can install radio frequency identification (RFID) chips inside metal parts and store externally readable intelligence information. , thereby enhancing the safety of important equipment.

The application of RFID tags is very extensive. The stored identification information can be quickly and non-contactly identified. However, RFID tags and logos are often bound using methods such as posting. This method is not very reliable, especially for important metal parts. Now, at the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology and Applied Materials (IFAM) in Bremen, scientists have used "rapid manufacturing" technology to successfully develop a non-destructive method that allows RFID chips to be sealed seamlessly. There is a metal body inside.

This metal powder selective laser sintering rapid prototyping technique uses a laser to selectively delaminate and sinter the solid metal powder and superimposes the sintered formed solidified layer to produce the desired shape of the part. Although this technology integrates computer-aided design, laser cladding, and rapid prototyping, it is a mature technology, but it is also a great challenge for scientists to overcome the high temperature of 1400 degrees Celsius that the laser chip generates during laser sintering.

Researchers say that the new method can bring "wisdom" to metal parts. The storage of important information such as serial number or production date in the RFID chip can ensure the safety of expensive parts, because to remove the chip, the parts must be forcibly destroyed. In the future, RFID chips can also store information about the use process. Experts even saw the potential of RFID chips in combination with sensors or detectors, that is, temperature or pressure sensors can be used to detect the temperature or mechanical stress inside the part.

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