1. Install power filter to reduce the interference of AC power to the equipment.
2. "One point ground" principle. Shorten the power filter ground, the driver PE (ground) (the driver is insulated from the chassis bottom), the control pulse PULSE- and the direction pulse DIR- after the shorting of the lead wire, the motor ground wire, the cable shield between the driver and the motor, the driver The shielded wires are connected to the grounding posts on the wall of the chassis and require good contact.
3. Try to increase the distance between the control line and the power line (L, N) and the motor drive line to avoid crossover. For example, when we are dealing with two drives in a unified chassis in the dual-axis drive system, one drive nameplate faces The front and the other are facing back, and these leads are kept as short as possible in the structural arrangement.
4. Use shielded wires to reduce interference from the outside world to yourself, or yourself (power cord) to the outside world.
After the above processing, the system works reliably.
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