Humanized combination packaging of canned coffee beverages

Nihon Unicorn Beverage Company launched its new coffee beverage brand “Fire”. The shelf life of this canned coffee drink can reach one year, and the combination package uses two distinctive cardboard boxes, provided by Rengo Rive rwood packaging company (WWW .g o This is a 2 x 5 model that is specifically designed for home consumption. It is made up of 10 cans of 90mI coffee drinks, while the other is designed for vending machines with a 3 x 5 shape. , Consisting of 15 cans of 90mI of coffee beverages, which can be sold separately in specific areas.The design of these two cartons is designed with maximum consideration of the characteristics of frozen storage and user-friendly access.In addition, to ensure the combination The aesthetics and stiffness of the package to achieve a perfect display effect on the shelves, hard paper box using a special cardboard and six-color printing.

Reprinted from: Guangdong Packaging